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Are Ballet Flats Better for Bunions Prosper?

Bunions are an unsightly foot problem some haven’t been able to escape. Wearing high heels are culprits for turning bunions from bad to worse, but ballet flats aren’t much help either. So, what should you wear?

Comfortable matters when you stand, walk, run or doing any activities with your foot. Ballet flats for bunions prosper is the first suggested step.

A bunion is a situation when deformity of the joint at the base of the big toe takes place and is most often caused by inheriting a faulty foot structure—yes, it is hereditary! The first metatarsal joint pushes outward and the big toe leans inward, creating the tell-tale bunion bump on the side of the foot. It is a developing problem that will get worse with the pass of time if you don’t protect your feet. Your doctor prescribes you ballet flats for bunions prosper.

It is true that high tight heels are a type of shoe that can make this condition worse to worst. The tight toe box squishes toes while the tall heel shifts our body weight onto the ball of the foot. When our structure is already compromised because of the bunion, this adds more stress and pain onto the joint.
All of this indicates that Ballet flats for bunions would be best, as they are the total opposite of high platforms. The truth is that they can be dangerous too. First of all, the soles are thin and offer little to no protection and support to your foot. When the arch of the foot has no support, it is unable to distribute the weight effectively each time. It also strikes the ground, which alters the biomechanics of the lower leg. Feet will face fatigued and arch and heel pain developed, as well as other body parts like hip, knee, and lower back discomfort. A flat may also fit too fitting closely around the bunion. In the case of the too loose shoe, your toes tend to rumple to keep it from flopping off your heel, which can also aggravate a bunion. Always wear a quality leather shoe with a roomy toe box and sturdy heel counter.

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