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Why See a Wound Care Specialist Plano?

A wound care specialist Plano is a healthcare provider, their main duty is to evaluate and treat non-healing wounds. Sometimes a wound care specialist may be seen in addition to your primary care physician or home healthcare provider until your wound is healed. Wound care specialists are also covered by most insurance plans and often do not require a referral.

Why should I see a wound care specialist Plano?

A wound care specialist Plano can help the patient to determine the best treatment for their DFU. When conventional treatments such as dressings and ointments are not enough to heal a wound, they have access to the most up-to-date wound care technology and the training to use it.

Cutting-edge health care delivered by wound care specialists. As a multidisciplinary team, the combined expertise and diverse clinical knowledge may cover a wide range of modalities to cure the patient's wound healing and thus, improve their quality of life.

Some wounds that the health care team treats may include:

  • Acute wounds in an emergency room
  • Diabetic ulcers
  • Post-operative wounds
  • Pressure wounds and bedsores
  • Radiation wounds
  • Vascular ulcers

A patient with a wound that has not healed more than one the month of conventional therapy is referred to as a wound care specialist Plano for further treatment and evaluation. The wound specialist often adds new therapies such as a specialized treatment like the hyperbaric oxygen chamber to improve the healing process. This hyperbaric treatment usually provides 100% oxygen inside a pressurized chamber to aid healing.

A key role of a wound specialist Plano lies in patient and family education. Wounds heal differently for everyone and the development is not seen overnight. Wound specialists need to demonstrate patience and compassion to their patients as they navigate the often-long road to recovery.

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