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Cold Email Software for Gmail

Are you sending business emails through the Gmail account? You can’t send an unlimited number of emails per day with Gmail and Google Suite. Right? As sending huge numbers of emails per day from Gmail or G Suite is not possible, in such a situation, Cold email software for Gmail is the only solution.

Chose the best cold email software that can help you integrate with Gmail and G Suite perfectly, that you can send so many emails as you want right within your Gmail and G Suite.

Is cold email software for Gmail is effective?
Here are three things you need to know to make an informed call on its effectiveness:

Email usage is still on a growth trajectory
It has been predicted that the number of emails sent in the next few years is just going to multiply itself and by the year 2022, it might reach 333 Billion emails per day.

Millennials and B2B business decision-makers are obsessed with email
Most entrepreneurs would rather get an email for work/business purposes then get a phone call.
It also says that only 34% millennials get annoyed when they are sent an email promoting a product or service, they are not interested in. Further proving our point that sending a cold email to the right person will add value to the customer’s journey.

You need to know the best practices to surf this wave
For cold Email to work in an effective way you need to know and validate two broads perspective:

  • Best practices for sending cold emails
  • Find the right people to approach who find your ice-breaking valuable

The second/last one is the most important one. If you are a cold drink seller running your truck outside a diabetes restaurant or a cold drink maker in the Himalayas, it’s cool to assume you won’t get any clients there. So, find the right buyer personas who have an interest in what you have to offer.

To ensure that your cold email campaigns are resulting oriented, you need to bifurcate the contacts in different segments. For e.g. –

Position – CEO, Vice president, Board member, Program Leader, Programmer, etc

Similarly, bifurcate them in terms of the number of team members, website visits, etc. It totally depends upon you and your product/service how do you want to do it.

After this segment, make sure to write a customized cold email copy for every single segment accordingly. The tone, structure, format, etc should be tailor-made for the people in that segment. This will make you more engaging and hence increase the chances of them following your call to action.

Now it’s the time to open the doors of the dam. Start sending email campaigns and roll that cold email out to your future clients.

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