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The Effect of PPCMesotherapy Miami, FLCompound Injections to the Localized Adipose Tissue

PPC Mesotherapy Miami, FL compound has been recently used for the purpose of partial lipolysis and is valued in the Miami region for its efficacy and lower invasiveness compared to liposuction and dermo lipectomy used previously. Here are the details about the efficacy of the phosphatidylcholine (PPC) dissolved in deoxycholate (DCA) via an exploratory rat study model, along with recommending a useful animal experimental model for the study of adipose tissue and lipolysis.


Experimental rat’s bilateral inguinal fat pads were elevated with the deep inferior epigastric vessel as the sole vascular pedicle. Normal saline was injected on one side as a control group and a phosphatidylcholine (PPC) and deoxycholate (DCA) compound were injected on the other side. After 4 days, the rats were euthanized for microscopic tissue examination. The pathology was scored by a semiquantitative system in 4 categories: normal fat amount, fat necrosis, inflammatory activity, and stage of fibrosis. A Wilcoxon signed-rank test powered by the SPSS packet program was used for statistical analysis and to examine significance.


Microscopic examination was performed on the obtained samples and the experimental data of all 4 categories showed significant histologic differences compared to the control group. All the data also showed statistical significance by the Wilcoxon signed-rank test (P<0.01).


In the inguinal fat pad rat model, the control group and the examined group had a differed notably in the quantity of normal fat tissue, inflammation, necrosis, and fibrosis. We recommend the rat inguinal fat pad model used in this study, as it is likely to be useful in related research. PPC Mesotherapy Miami, FL is basically famous for weight loss.

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