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Outstanding Cold Email Influencers Template

Outreach cold email templates are the messages (message style) that one mass email to the leads listed in your outreach campaign. These messages should explain the purpose of the outreach, whether it's to get a backlink, product review, guest post, or other. Here we discuss the Outstanding Cold Email Influencers Template.

For the effectiveness of these messages, it should be clear, concise, relevant, and persuasive.

So, it should be pretty obvious how crucial your outreach email templates are when connecting with influencers.

It’s like they say, “Every great influencer relationship starts with a single email.” – it is true

Perhaps that’s not the saying, but it should be. If you want to work with an influencer, you’ve got to have a killer pitch.

Below, there is a summary of the approaches that have worked most effectively for us.

The “let’s start a relationship” template
let’s start with the quintessential influencer outreach email. Many brands already have a wish list of influencers they want to work with, and they’re willing to work with them however the influencer like to be fit.

The brand would be as happy as a single sponsored post, the long-term Instagram campaign, or whatever else the influencer may have in mind.

In this case, you’ll want to send an open-ended email to determine the influencer’s availability and rates.

The sneak peek templates
It is perfect while a brand is about to launch a new product. Or perhaps you just published some original research.

Influencers love being on top of the latest trends. Make them feel like special and unique with exclusive early access to your content before it goes public.

Reaching out ahead of time gives you the best opportunity to show the influencer the kind of relationship they can expect to have with you.

You’re thoughtful, considerate, and you think ahead about their needs - who wouldn’t want to work with someone like that?

The beta test template

If you’re launching your new product/service or feature, this variation is suitable on the sneak to peek template.

Offer the influencer is not only an early look at what you’re building, but also give them a slot on your beta testing team.

Let them know their feedback i.e. very important and can directly impact the direction of the product.

Influencers are a mastermind at heart, and many get excited about the opportunity to help shape the future of a new product.
The best thing about this approach is that in addition to building a relationship with a new influencer, you can obtain a great product feedback at the same, along the way.

The “would love your opinion” template
This approach depends on your writing style and works well if your content is truly unique and differentiated.

If you’ve compiled research, data, or findings that are interesting and pertinent to a specific influencer, simply reach out and ask for their opinion of your content.

The keys here are to maintain clarity that you’ve got unique insights in your piece, and it’s worth the influencer’s time to check it out.
As with many of the emails on this list, Tim begins his an email with a compliment of the influencer’s continuing work, but the outlined sections are where the real magic happens.

The expert roundup template
The best way to prove your worth to your customers is by working with multiple influencers.

Your brand looks more popular when you have more influencers behind you. One easy way to show off your popularity is with a roundup post.

Choose a topic (unique and interesting), then reach out to influencers and ask them to contribute their expert opinion.

This can range from a piece of advice on a frequently asked technical question to a photo showing their favorite way to use your product.

Besides the above, there are so many Cold Email Influencers Templates available.

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