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Details About the Job Responsibility of the Best podiatrist Dallas

A podiatrist is a foot doctor who does practices in podiatric medicine, which is a branch of medical science (health and beauty) devoted to the diagnosis, treatment and study of medical disorders of the foot, ankle, lower leg, and lower back. In the U.S. and Canada, podiatry is practiced as a specialty. With time they make their identification as the best podiatrist Dallas in the Dallas region. In some countries, the foot doctor is known as a chiropodist or podologist.

What does a Podiatrist do?
The best podiatrist Dallas involves with the feet-related duties include performing a thorough assessment exam and listening to patient concerns regarding their feet and lower legs. A diagnosis is made by performing a physical exam, by using laboratory tests such as blood tests or urinalysis, with x-rays, and through other methods. The podiatrist treats common foot troubles such as bunions, as well as serious complicated foot and ankle surgeries such as the removal of bone spurs. They also prescribe medications and provide follow-up care instructions and advice. Podiatrists will also prescribe important essential medical devices such as orthotics and arch supports in order to improve mobility and treat lower leg ailments and pain.

1) Treat bone, muscle, and joint disorders affecting the feet.

2) Treat conditions such as corns, calluses, ingrown nails, tumors, shortened tendons, bunions, cysts, and abscesses by surgical methods.

3) Treat deformities using mechanical methods, such as whirlpool or paraffin baths, and electrical methods, such as short wave and low voltage currents.

4) Educate the public about the benefits of foot care through techniques such as speaking engagements, advertising, and other forums.

5) Perform administrative duties such as hiring employees, ordering supplies, and keeping records.

6) Advise patients about treatments and foot care techniques necessary for the prevention of future problems.

7) Correct deformities by means of plaster casts and strapping.

8) Diagnose diseases and deformities of the foot using medical histories, physical examinations, x-rays, and laboratory test results.

9) Make and fit prosthetic appliances.

10) Prescribe medications, corrective devices, physical therapy, or surgery.

11) Refer patients to physicians when symptoms indicative of systemic disorders, such as arthritis or diabetes, are observed in feet and legs.

Foot deformities, either birth defects like clubfoot, or issues caused by neglect or damage, are also treated by a foot doctor, along with any feet problems causing abnormal posture or gait. Most of the times larger health problems, such as arthritis or diabetes, are often diagnosed through symptoms first seen in the feet. Diabetic neuropathy is a condition in which cuts or sores on the feet are not felt and can be risky and become infected or muscle damage also occurs. In such cases, the podiatrist will refer patients to other physicians or specialists.

There are several specialties, subspecialties, surgeons in the field of podiatry. Podiatric sports medicine involves foot and ankle injuries commonly occurring among athletes. Pediatric care podiatrists treat children, including those with congenital foot defects. Advanced surgical podiatrists focus on advanced and latest surgical processes and techniques, including foot and ankle reconstruction after injury. There are also specialties in geriatrics, dermatology, orthopedics, vascular medicine, diabetes, and other areas.

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