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What Does Eyebrow Lift Miami, FL Mean?

Eyebrow lift Miami, FL is a cosmetic procedure to raise the brows for Miami, FL region. An eyebrow lift is also known as a forehead lift or forehead rejuvenation. An eyebrow lift improves the appearance of your forehead, the brow, and the area around the eyes by raising the soft tissue and skin of the forehead and brow.

One might choose to have an eyebrow lift if he/she has a low, sagging brow or brow asymmetry. A brow lift might also boost your looks, personality as well as self-confidence.

An eyebrow lift Miami, FL can be done alone or with other facial procedures like eyelid surgery (blepharoplasty) or a face-lift.

Types of Brow Lifts
There are two types of brow lifts based upon its methods to lift your forehead and eyebrow areas:

Classic lift
Endoscopic lift

The classic lift required one constant cut beginning at the level of your ears and going up around your hairline. Depending on where the hairline is, the surgeon will work to avoid a visible scar.

For the endoscopic lift, the surgeon makes a few shorter cuts in your scalp and insert a scope -- a small camera on the end of a thin tube -- into one of the cuts and use another device inserted in another cut to make the essential changes.

In the endoscopic lift, the surgeon to secure the tissue uses small anchors. Because the cuts are very small, this procedure is less invasive than the classic lift. One will have minimal scarring and shorter recovery time.

Why it's done
Aging typically causes the brows to move down or in an odd shape. As skin and soft tissues lose elasticity with the increasing of age, the distance between the eyebrows and eyelashes also become shortens.

The lower position of the eyebrows gives you a different look or can make you look tired, angry, or sad. A brow lift can raise the eyebrows and restore a refreshed, more pleasing appearance.

You might consider a brow lift if you have a low or sagging the brow that's contributing to sagging upper eyelids.

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